I don't know about you, but I get a really big kick out of school photos. Of course I look at my kids first, but then I like to peruse the faces of all the kids one at a time. I know most of these kids from working in the classroom with them which makes me smile all the more. I took all of the names off to protect the innocent, hopefully they wont be famous one day and have a photo they thought they had buried forever turn up to mock them.
Or in this one, the boy in the middle in the red shirt makes me smile! The girl in the front row with the piggy tails brings back memories.
In this preschool picture, how can you not smile at the little girl in the middle with the scrunched up nose? Or, the one being held by teacher because he doesn't want his picture taken. I love that they took the time to insert a picture of the little one who was absent on picture day.
I am so proud that my children get to be on the front row of their pictures because they are the cutest! I know it has nothing to do with the short genes they have inherited from their parents. :)
For example, in this class photo, what is the boy in the upper corner thinking? You can't see it very well, but he looks terrified! And I love the kid in the orange t-shirt on the front row.

I would put in class photos of Hubby and me to make you smile (translated: rofl) but luckily uh hum, I mean unfortuately, they are all packed. Just be assured that we were always on the front row too because of the whole cutest kid thing.